
Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Potty Training Peril

It's time to learn to use the Potty... Everybody ready?

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My daughter is about to turn 2 and I believe she's ready to introduce the idea of using the potty. Why? you ask, well I'll tell you:

1. She's been tugging at her diaper after she's gone to the bathroom, usually while saying "poop, poop, poop..." over and over. "Poop" is an umbrella term for everything at the moment, she hasn't quite figured out the difference just yet.

2. She's interested in what goes on in the bathroom. What happens when Mommy sits on that thing called a "toiwet"?

3. She's on a pretty regular schedule. I can almost predict when her declaration of "poop!" is a correct statement and when it's more of an exaggeration. I read that makes getting into the habit of using the potty easier.

Now, lets say we give this project the "Green Light"! Where do we begin? This being the internet age, I Googled it, and looked it up on Pinterest and the list goes on. Everywhere I look the strategies are different, most contradict one another and that just makes this whole process that much more frustrating. Bribes? No bribes? Naked time? PullUps? or straight to Big Girl underwear? AHHH! Unfortunately for my daughter, she is our first kid and this will be a guessing game for everyone. Hopefully, with a mishmash of information that I've gathered and the advice from friends and family, this process will goes smoothly. Fingers crossed.

Even though I believe my daughter is ready for this, the reality is she may not be. If that is that the (sad) situation then we will just have to wait. I believe pushing a child into doing something they aren't ready for is wrong and can do more harm than good, depending on the child. She will ultimately decide when this huge life change will happen, I can only hope it's soon. 

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